
There are days I don't want to write. Days I don't want to write at all and days where I don't want to write what I'm supposed to write. In my heart I know I'm a writer, that's what I was born to be. But there are days when I question it, and it feels like I have to push myself towards my calling more than I think I should have to. Then I'm reminded that I need days where I listen to what other people write - books, scripts, poetry, song, music, movement, conversation. There is more than one way to tell a story short or long. So I write like this and feel the relief it gives me, the release that makes my bones stop aching and my mind stop worrying. Even if no one bought my novel I'd write. Even if no one gained help from my non-fiction I'd write. Even if no one heard my own story through memoir I'd write. It is not the way that people receive my writing that is my calling. It is in the mere act of it typed on technology or scratched on paper tucked away in a drawer. My words could sink to the bottom of the ocean and I will still have lived my purpose. I leave the words here unedited, vulnerable, like a raw opened wound. Because in the end you will think of it however you wish, and I...I will have written.

